Cigars are a unique product that brings people together and that’s exactly how Hollywood and Charles met. Over time they became good friends and one day while smoking cigars, they were talking about the idea of building a mobile cigar lounge out of an airstream. After 3 months of looking for an airstream, they found one that met their criteria. Hollywood and Charles were told that this particular airstream was built for Miranda Lambert to be used as a green room while she was out on Tour. But due to unforeseen circumstances, from the Covid-19 pandemic that was happening throughout the world, she had to back out of the build. The airstream had already been gutted and remodeled to include a feature wall and bar, so Hollywood and Charles chose to build their design around these two features. After 6 months of planning and hard work, H & C Mobile Cigar Lounge was complete. In 2022, Charles went on to pursue other ventures and Hollywood took over the mobile cigar lounge.
The purpose of this luxury mobile cigar lounge is to bring people together over the love of cigars, relaxation, and camaraderie.